
{{image.AltTag}} {{image.AltTag}}
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Event Details:

You purchased this item on {{details.product.OrderHistory[0].OrderDate | date : 'M/d/yyyy'}}
Step {{$index + 1}} – {{$index < 2 ? 'Primary Attendee' : 'Other Attendees'}}
Event Information
What: {{details.product.ModelName}}
When: 1/1/0001 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
General Information Attendee Information

Price: {{(attendee.product.BundleUnitCost || attendee.product.UnitCost) | currency : '$' : 2}}

Now: {{(attendee.product.BundleSalePrice || attendee.product.SalePrice) | currency : '$' : 2}}

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The Remote Weekly Business Forum is getting a new format!

We've all been learning a thing or two about adapting in recent weeks! When we started the forum, we needed to get expert advice out to the industry, quickly, and through holding topic-specific sessions with appropriate experts at every session, we did that. However, as we all work on figuring out this 'new normal' - what we all need is a sounding board.

So, we're unveiling Builder Chat - a new format for our weekly sessions.

How is it different?

No more weekly topics - we'll still hear from familiar experts, when it's convenient for them to attend, or when expert advice is needed but every session is for anything you want to share or need to know!

Peer-group interaction instead of an expert panel format - Builder Chat is all about you. What are you seeing? What is working and what isn't? When we were all trying to decode disaster assistance paperwork, we needed to hear from the experts, but as we figure out how to run our industry in a changed world, we need each other.

What hasn't changed?

Builder Chat is still moderated by Jason and Mary Sturgeon of Arcade Wayfinding.

Builder Chat is still running from the same ongoing list of registrations, so if you were on the list for Remote Weekly Business Forum sessions, you'll still get invites for Builder Chat. If you aren't on the list yet, please register below or e-mail [email protected]!

Join us and participate in the conversation!